Biomarkers for the prediction of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic alcoholic liver disease.
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
Naveau S, Raynard B, Ratziu V, Abella A, Imbert-Bismut F, Messous D, Beuzen F, Capron F, Thabut D, Munteanu M, Chaput JC, Poynard T
2005 Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Volume 3 Issue 2
The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic use of noninvasive markers of fibrosis in patients with chronic alcoholic liver disease.
A total of 221 consecutive patients with an alcohol intake of >50 g/day (median, 100 g/day) and available liver biopsy examination and FibroTest FibroSure (FT) results were included prospectively. Fibrosis was assessed blindly on a 5-stage histologic scale similar to that of the METAVIR scoring system. Hyaluronic acid was measured and used as a standard serum marker of fibrosis.
Advanced fibrosis (F2-F4) was present at biopsy examination in 63% of patients. The mean FT value (SE) was F0 = .29 (.05); F1 = .29 (.03), F2 = .40 (.03), F3 = .53 (.04); and F4 = .88 (.02) (P < .05 between all groups, except between F0 and F1). As opposed to FT, there was no significant difference for hyaluronic acid between F2 and F1 and between F2 and F0. For F2-F4 vs. F0-F1, the FT area under the ROC curves (AUROC) = .84 (.03) and .79 (.03) for hyaluronic acid. For the diagnosis of F4, the AUROC was very high, .95 for FT and .93 for hyaluronic acid. The discordances of the 2 stages were attributed to biopsy failures in 26 cases and to FT failures in 13 cases.
In heavy drinkers, FT is a simple and noninvasive quantitative estimate of liver fibrosis. The use of FT may decrease the need for liver biopsy examination.
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